Types of applications for Sleeves

IPE innovaciones Para Etiquetajes S.L through its brand SleeveDirect, specialised in high quality Sleeve shrinkable labels, provides information on the different ways of applying thermo-shrinkable labels to containers:
  1. Full-body Sleeve Shrinkable labels only covers the base of the container. 
  2. Full-body Sleeve plus Seal.  Labels covers the base and the top of the container and include a horizontal and vertical pre-cutting on the top for easy opening that also acts as guarantee seal.
  3. Half-body Sleeve: Sleeves are placed on a part of the container such as the shoulder or half-body.
  4. Seal Sleeves:  Sleeves have the function of security seal which is perforated on the top of the container for maximum security and easy opening. They can be printed or blank.