Labels with Thermochromic Inks

IPE INNOVACIONES PARA ETIQUETAJES, S.L, offers a wide range of possibilities regarding the use and combinations of different special inks and technologies on the same label. Thermochromic inks can be found amongst the inks with most demand, which indicate variations in product temperature by changing colour.

Thermochromic inks are used a lot for drinks labels and especially for wine bottles, as they interact with the client by indicating the best moment to consume the product.

An example of the application of thermochromic inks on labels was developed by IPE INNOVACIONES PARA ETIQUETAJES; S.L for the VOLTEO brand of wines in which invisible thermochromic ink was used. When the temperature reached between17 and 18ºC the label reactivates by completely lighting up to tell the consumer about the perfect point for consumption. If this temperature is surpassed, the label progressively fades out.

Sleeves For Sports Products

Normally the retractile sleeves labels are related to products from the drinks, food, cleaning and cosmetic sectors. However, this type of label is applied more and more often for products from other sectors like the technological, automotive, and industrial or sports sectors.

Amongst the sports products, the sleeves are very much used for packaging that contains tennis, squash, padel or ping-pong balls, as it covers the whole package with the striking, bright colours that the retractile labels give, they also offer the possibility of leaving transparent areas in order to see the product when the packaging is made of plastic. The flexibility that this type of label offers means it can be applied to all types of rigid packaging and so the sleeve  will become a packaging option for more and more sectors when designing their product labels.

IPE – Delivery Services

IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L, does not just offer high quality innovative products, it also offers a personalised service to its clients, which covers the professional attention of sales networks throughout Spain and Europe, the technical backup from various departments and the label delivery service.

The company has a logistics department in charge of preparing the orders and carrying out the Just in Time deliveries through its own means of transport and through well-known collection agencies for national and international deliveries. Likewise, there is constant merchandise follow-up to keep the client informed about the position of the delivery at all times.

IPE Video - Interactive Label

The Interactive label has been developed with the new ENHANCED REALITY technology, which combines real elements (Label) and virtual elements (3D, videos, music, information, etc).  Only a device with a camera is needed to turn real-world information into interactive or digital information.

IPE Video - Labels printed with Optical Pigments

The main characteristic of labels printed with optical pigments is their capacity to reflect light, creating amazing sparkles that boost colour and enhance the label. 

IPE Video - Labels with QR Codes

QR codes are the evolution from barcodes and they can store hundreds of times more information in less space than a traditional barcode. QR codes are able to manage all types of data; numerical, alphabetical, symbols, control codes, etc

IPE Video - Labels with Micro Stamping

With Micro Stamping we obtain elegant and delicate designs, over a metal colour layer.  Leafs, drops, stars, branches, waves are some of the shapes that can be obtained with Micro Stamping.

IPE Video - Labels with Stamping + Embossing

The label shown on the image has Micro Stamping on the silver area, with a snail-shape design that gives the label a fine finish, whilst the gold stamping with High Embossing gives the label a notable and unique appearance.