The era of experiences: Marketing of Experiences

The marketing of experiences- also known as sensorial or experiential marketing – seeks to create bonds with the consumer through emotional concepts that humanise a brand. 

It is about reaching the "consumer’s heart" and creating a brand loyalty bond between the consumer and his/her relationship and experiences with the products.

And nowadays it isn’t enough just to have a good product!
A good product is something that is practically “taken for granted”; price has also lost power in the list of determining purchasing factors, times have changed and now it’s not about selling, it’s about betting on the consumer-brand bond that will allow for a long-term relationship and that will differentiate the product from the competition’s.

In order to work the marketing of experiences we need to “humanise” the brand and bring it to life. Know our consumers very well, what their daily life is like, their lifestyle, their needs beyond the product, advance their future needs, which means paying a lot of attention to the consumer and converting the product into a tool that not only fulfils its main aim but also offers him/her additional benefits.

Marketing professionals no longer speak about “normal consumers”, they speak about the Crossumer, a concept that defines the new consumer, more intelligent, more informed, more demanding, difficult to impress and who “passes the product barrier" looking for a purchasing experience.

In this sense the label can become another element within the brand’s marketing and communication strategy.

Much more than labels: different ways to interact with the consumer
  • Aromatic labels:  Aromatic labels are an excellent option to incorporate standard or personalised aromas so that the label becomes a sensorial experience for the consumer.
  • Thermo-chromatic labels: A fundamental help for some types of products given that, through the label, the consumer can know about – for example- the temperature of the product to be consumed. A good example of this type of label can be found in the label that IPE developed for FLOR DE VETUS, a label with thermo-chromatic ink that changes colour to indicate the ideal temperature to drink their wine.
  • Scratch labels:  Scratch labels are another option to take into consideration if we are looking for experiences based on games, competitions, etc.. 
...... however, Interactive Labels  are ideal to create an experiences strategy around the brand as they undoubtedly offer many possibilities that can be included in the product and, through the labelling, a series of experiences that will establish a bond with the consumer associating a label with multimedia content that is highly realistic are undoubtedly a very powerful tool for the consumers to have unique product experiences.
An example of experience marketing:
The "most basic and simplest" label can also be used to create consumer experiences. Coca Cola recently announced its campaign called "Share a Coke" which will launch personalised labels in 32 countries.
In order to do so, Coca Cola compiled an average of the 150 most common names in each country.  The labels for all the names that don’t appear in the limited series can be ordered through a Facebook application. 

In this way Coca Cola seeks to get closer and to better connect with its consumers, undoubtedly a good example of experience marketing