IPE receives, once again this year, 4 top recommendations at the FINAT awards

Once again, FINAT- International Federation of Self- Adhesive Label Manufacturers- has given 4 top recommendations to our labels in the annual awards competition organised by this association.

The labels have stood out for their technical levels of printing as well as for their communication capacity with the end client.

All of them represent a wide range of technical capacities that IPE-Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes S.L.- can apply in labelling solutions: technology combinations, technical capacity, use of complex materials, multiple finishing options, etc....

The top recommendations awarded by FINAT were for our labels:

"Recuérdame" by Vallformosa, a label that stands out for its print quality and the combination of technologies applied to achieve a unique label that, in addition to transmitting an elegant image, also incorporates a communication tool- a "recuérdame"- (remember me) coupon aimed at establishing a bond between the consumer and the brand.

Flor de Vetus: A sophisticated label achieved thanks to the combination of different print techniques along with other details like a tactile varnish that gives it a touch of distinction and furnishes the label with tact. 
We would highlight the application carried out with a thermo-chromic ink that indicates, through colour changes in a fine butterfly, the right temperature to drink the wine.

Planas Albareda: A label where the details are the highlights as this label has effects and combinations that are rather complex regarding the material chosen to print and the applied impressions. Hot impression and just one-time print that has allowed us to create this high quality label that loyally represents the combination between a modern style and, at the same time, a traditional image of this cava’s production brand.


An original and attractive sleeve where the coordination between IPE, designers and client has been fundamental to achieve a different and exclusive image, full of details. From the technical point of view the combination of inks and a matt finish effect are two of the main characteristics of this unique design.