IPE 50 years (1962-2012)

This year IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L celebrates its 50th anniversary, an occasion which allows reviewing the long path which has allowed the company to be acknowledged, both national and internationally, as a company of reference in the sector of graphic arts.

IPE Innovaciones Para etiquetajes, S.L opened in 1962 when it started manufacturing adhesive paper and subsequently incorporated technologies and machinery which allowed developing the Self-adhesive Labels business. Later on it received awards and acknowledgements which made it outstand among the other sector companies.
Years later, the company decided to create a special division dedicated to the manufacturing of Sleeve Shrinkable Labels, named SleeveDirect by which it offered its clients a new option in decoration and packaging different to the self-adhesive labels.
As from then, the company has been dedicated to create new and innovative applications related to labels and packaging which range from technological applications to the creation of labels that create sensations through the senses:  smells, supports with textures, relieves or special inks are some of the different options offered by IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L to create new experiences through their labels. 
Celebrating the 50th anniversary is a milestone in the path of any company and transmits multiple meanings:  soundness, experience, capacity to adapt, environmental awareness… For IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L it means to continue working in the manufacture of innovative and quality self-adhesive labels for many more years.