In the past years we have passed from the globalisation "boom" with the consequent increase of the demand that it entailed, to customization, to marketing strategies focused on adapting each product to each country, region, individual, etc.  

It is therefore a marketing strategy which is becoming more common among the food and beverage brands that create unique and original designs when a great event is approaching or when they want to capture the consumer's attention through customised messages.  

As regards to labels, this change is a true challenge, yet options such as printing in digital allow customising labels in an agile and simple way. Because Flexibility is one of the main advantages of digital printing which offers the possibility of making low and medium printing quantities enabling to adapt better to the particular printing requirements in a more simple way in the post-printing process and less printing costs.  

In addition, digital printing offers many other advantages:  Do you know them?  
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The “Millennials” generation was born under the umbrella of economic growth, they are well-prepared consumers that do not settle for the basic, a generation born between 1980 and 1995 which currently represents one-third of the world's population. 

They are demanding consumers, "explorers" that want to know more about the product because they want to identify themselves with it and know the history behind each product.  If this link is established they do not hesitate to maintain it, although they are less faithful to a product or brand than older consumers, and they do not hesitate to try new options if these capture their attention. 

The weight of the Millennials in the current market  is such that it was one of the five main trends pointed out by the latest global study by Innova Market on the latest trends affecting the food industry.  

According to this study, the Millennials seek to "connect" with the product and the brand and here is where the possibilities of the Interactive Label are almost endless.  
Interactive Labels use image-recognition technology by means of a camera to identify any type of object in real time: Photos, logos, drawings, etc. when the application has recognised the image it searches on the Internet for the multimedia content associated and superimposes it in a dynamic way, offering the consumer multiple interactive applications. 

Linking the interactive label to contents that can improve the consumer's experience and therefore his/her loyalty, recurrent purchase, direct recommendation through the social networks, etc. is undoubtedly one of the best solutions in place today to "connect" with the consumer through the label.  


The good, if brief and simple, is twice as good.

Embossing, shines, effects, etc., the variety of techniques and the possible combinations to apply on labels is increasingly wider, almost infinite, and that is why at IPE we focus our efforts on informing our clients that there is No limit when it comes to communicating and differentiating a product. 

However the differentiation can also be achieved with certain effects or combinations of them, it all depends on what we wish to transmit and who the product is intended for. 
The simplicity and minimalism on labels is an increasing trend. A clean and simple images is appreciated by many consumer who look for a product that transmits trust and closeness.   

This type of apparently simple labels requires choosing the appropriate technique and a careful selection of the material to achieve an "apparent" simplicity which has been studied and planned in detail. 

Design plays an essential role on these type of labels which on many occasions combine printing on white self-adhesive paper with transparent printing. 

Some example of simple labels whose design of which has been recognised by its simplicity. 

Image Source:

IPE AT ENOMAQ. Presentation of New Products


IPE, Innovaciones Para Etiquetaje presented at Enomaq under the concept "Sensations and Emotions on Labels" the latest applications for labels, specially outstanding new options aimed at providing unique effects through the combination of techniques, materials and inks. 

Thus, at the Enomaq Trade Fair we presented novelties such as the 3D High Embossing,  a technique that enables creating a spectacular effect with textures and sensations to the eye and touch due to the large volume created by the three-dimensional high embossing.   
Metallised volugraph was one of the novelties presented at Enomaq, a technique that confers a volume effect to all or part of the label creating a feel of high embossing. 

Likewise and under the brand Sleeve Direct by IPE, we presented the new options for sleeves, a trend that is gaining acceptance in the wine sector for products that want to generate a great visual impact on the store shelf .  

The Sleeve with stamping, a process where a metallised effect is applied on a shrinkable label, the holographic Sleeve with flashes of colour depending on the angle of view applicable to all or parts of the sleeve and the Metallised Silver Sleeve were some of the proposals presented by Sleeve Direct by IPE at the Enomaq Trade Fair.

METALLISED VOLUGRAPH: Welcome to a world of volumes and embossing

Volugraph is a special technique that confers a volume effect to all or part of the label.  

Applying this technique allows enhancing, by means of embossing, certain elements of the label creating a sense of volume.  Thus, the metallised effect provides a shiny an enhanced result. 

Sensations and Emotions on labels: 

This technique allows creating an appropriate aesthetic feel for products that want to transmit a prestigious image. This technique is generally used for wine and perfume labels that wish to transmit a coherent, aesthetic, elegant and differentiated label capable of creating emotions. 

An effect which transmits a feel of unique quality and craftsmanship. 
In addition, metallised volugraph may be applied on film, enabling an embossing effect on materials such as PE, PP, PET, etc. 

Applications, Advantages and Characteristics: 

Combines embossing with metallised colour or holographic effect at the same time.
•Confers a feeling of crafted product, hand made. 
•Provides a high embossing effect.
•The embossing is achieved without marking the support paper, thereby eliminating problems with the labelling.
•It can be applied both on paper and film.
•It can be made in multiple colours and effects:  gold, silver, red, copper, green, shiny, matt, holographic, etc. 
•Perfect match of both effects.
•It can be combined with many other effects.