Range of “Adaptable” Labels

The range of “Adaptable Labels” by IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L offers several special applications for labels adapted to the container’s functionality, design and material.

Included among the range of “Adaptable Labels” are:

Easy Open & Close labels for flexible containers, allow easily opening and closing the product.  Used on packets of wipes for personal hygiene, cleansing, make-up removers, etc.  The label is placed to guarantee the security of the first opening and allows easily opening and closing the packet, fully preserving the product’s properties.  

2. Labels for Flexible Tubes are made with an innovative component that forms a transparent film which perfectly adapts to the tube’s shape and covers the container’s surface completely.  Labels can be made for tubes of different diameters and lengths.

3. Collar labels are ideal to place on containers with a neck for hanging labels.  These labels can be made in any die-cutting format, printed on all sides and made as dropdown labels to provide more space for information. 

All these labels can be manufactured combining different materials and printing technology as IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes, S.L has the latest technology to manufacture highly complex labels. 

Types of applications for Sleeves

IPE innovaciones Para Etiquetajes S.L through its brand SleeveDirect, specialised in high quality Sleeve shrinkable labels, provides information on the different ways of applying thermo-shrinkable labels to containers:
  1. Full-body Sleeve Shrinkable labels only covers the base of the container. 
  2. Full-body Sleeve plus Seal.  Labels covers the base and the top of the container and include a horizontal and vertical pre-cutting on the top for easy opening that also acts as guarantee seal.
  3. Half-body Sleeve: Sleeves are placed on a part of the container such as the shoulder or half-body.
  4. Seal Sleeves:  Sleeves have the function of security seal which is perforated on the top of the container for maximum security and easy opening. They can be printed or blank.  

IPE Awards and Acknowledgements

For IPE Innovaciones Para Etiquetajes S.L, to receive an award is the best recognition to the work of a team of professionals who with 50 years experience are still committed to excelling in the graphic arts field on the basis of an excellent level of innovation, quality and service.

These past years have been of great success and recognition for the company, as it was awarded the following prizes:

2011 – FINAT – Best Optical Pigmentation Self-promotion Label

2010 – Association of Graphic Industries of Catalunya – Best printed label with various techniques.  Cruz de Alba Label

2010 – FINAT Special acknowledgement. Portú Label.

2010 – FINAT Special acknowledgement. Frelon Label

All these awards contribute to making the company more committed to working to develop new and innovative applications for Labels which must serve as reference in the graphic arts sector on a national and international level.   

Labels with Screen Printing

Screen printing is ideal for labels with intense colours and high intensity backgrounds.  This technology perfectly integrates with transparent materials.

The combination of screen printing with flexography printing and Offset is increasingly requested by the clients of IPE INNOVACIONES PARA ETIQUETAJES, S.L. The possibilities offered by screen printing are almost unlimited and the colours and shine are only some examples.  

An application of screen printing on a label was that developed by IPE INNOVACIONES PARA ETIQUETAJES S.L, for the spirit ATIO.  This label allows consumers to clearly see the products and its content.  With screen printing the label has an intense and impressive orange colour thanks to the ideal combination of opacity and quality.  In the drinks market and in the market of personal care in particular, the majority of labels have a transparent effect as it attracts the consumer’s attention.  

Request presentation: “Labels with special effects: Catching the consumer’s attention”

In order to promote the multiple applications and combinations that can be applied in the design and creation of labels, IPE INNOVACIONES PARA ETIQUETAJES, S.L, invites you to request the presentation “Labels with special effects” presented by Francesc Egea at the LearnShop within the framework of the Packaging Innovations 2011 trade fair held in Barcelona.

Request for the presentation here.